Currently looking for work
Cale Shanley
I recently graduated General Assembly's Software Engineering course. I am very eager to learn and develop my skills. I'm also passionate, motivated and excited for my future in the industry.
I worked in construction for 4 years before deciding to change my career and pursue software engineering. I've always had a passion for coding as it was a hobby for me growing up.
Contact Info:
My Skills:
Font End Development
(Desired Career) My code is always structured and thought out. I use all the latest CSS, HTML and JavaScript to ensure that the designs are responsive. I also implement the principal of DRY (Don't repeat yourself) when developing any website.
Back End Development
Although invisible, this is one of the most important steps in any web-based project. I have learnt to build backend work using Node and Ruby. I am also familar with databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.